Wednesday, October 1, 2008


Hi all! I got outed by Karen. I was giving her a bad time about not posting, but shame on me, I'm even worse than she was LOL!! Anyhow, she inspired me to do some cleaning and tweaking of my fall decorating so I could share with all of you.

The first picture is of the beautiful cupboard I have in my living room. I purchased this at our annual Gold Rush antique show quite a number of years ago. I remember seeing and wanting it so bad, but it was over $1000. I walked away, but called DH and after some wrangling, he ok'd it and I practically ran back to the booth. No sooner had I told the dealer I would take it, than someone else walked in and wanted to buy it. Talk about a close call!!! The second picture is taken at the foot of my steps, in my entry way. The crock is brand new (to me) - I just bought it about a week and a half ago at Gold Rush. Same dealer as the cupboard, in fact! They actually had a 6 gallon crock just like it, but again, I walked away and thought about it. By the time I came back, that one was gone. I still bought this little beauty, though. Like I told my friend that day, my theory when it comes to antiquing is, if it's meant to be, it'll be there when I get back. I just gotta see lots of stuff before I decide for sure what I want.

A close up of my new crock - I just love it!!

This particular little grouping is in my living room right by the bottom of the steps. I would like to find some flowers for the pitcher, but other than that I'm good with it.

These two pics are of the piano in my living room, all decked out for fall.

Well, now that you've all keeled over in shock that I've actually posted, I'll let you go on your merry way (and I promise to post more!! LOL)

Have a great fall day!

1 comment:

carolyn@simple~primitive~devotion said...

Hi! That is such a beautiful old crock! I ahve enjoyed looking through your blog. I will have to visit again when I have time to read more.

Have a great day!